Basing on our experiences from Brussels, Europlace aims to support entrepreneurs in their relations with the European Union. Europlace monitors EU activities and provides information in the form of reports and regular updates. It informs about planned and implemented changes of the European legislation. It alarms and advices in case of unfavorable regulations. It looks for solutions, not only through risk-aware business management but also through contacting relevant officials in Brussels.

Europlace was created for entrepreneurs, whose relations with the EU have not been developed yet, sometimes due to lack of awareness, but often due to lack of experts in the field. Thanks to experience and contact network in Brussels, Europlace may support legal and public affairs departments of the companies, which are generally responsible for European politics and law.

Thanks to up to date information regarding European law in related areas, entrepreneurs are able to prepare and plan future steps of their business. In cases when the new legislation or political changes have negative impact on i.e. production or product demand, entrepreneurs are able to take measures on time in order to avoid disadvantageous consequences.

Europlace acts as a connection between entrepreneurs and the EU institutions. Through keeping close relations with the EU officials we are able to stay up to date and take an active part in law making procedures. In cases when new legislation may have negative impact or significantly interfere in business activities, Europlace alerts Brussels, looking for solutions.

A Polish producer of smoked meat, finds out on time from Europlace report, that the European Commission has published a proposal of limitations in food smoking procedures. New legislation will significantly limit, even change methods of production of smoked food, what will result in different quality and form of smoked meat.

• At the right moment the entrepreneur is able to prepare the production line for upcoming changes, preparing a new method of smoking.

• The producer, who with new legislation coming into force will lose the original version of the product, may initiate a discussion about the competitiveness of this legal proposal. Europlace introduces this problem to MEPs, who will have a say in the matter while debating over the proposal in the Parliament. Taking into consideration the impact of the new proposal on a group of entrepreneurs, MEPs call for softening measures.

• MEPs or other EU officials suggest an alternative solution i.e. listing the specific smoked meat as a traditional product.

In these scenarios the entrepreneur can save the product from the negative impact of new legislation.

Businesses vary by industry, scope of activity and the amount of impact EU regulations have on them. Depending on how broad the topic of research for the specific client is, how often relevant issues are on the institutional agenda, we set the scope and price of the report as well as the plan of further consulting. The services also vary by intensity; the reports can be extended, followed by weekly monitoring and contacts with Brussels on regular basis, but they can also be in a form of short updates of one specific legislative proposal. After preliminary discussions with regard to the scope of work, our clients receive an offer proposal including a list of specific assignments.

Europlace is a new business on Polish market, offering innovative services, basing on experience gained in Brussels. Europlace mission is to prepare entrepreneurs for the implementation of new European legislation, at the same time supporting them in risk-aware business management.